UI Test Changes to SwiftUI List and Stepper in iOS 16

Since SwiftUI came out, the extremely useful List control, for creating scrolling, single column, table-style views has been backed under the hood by UITableView. While this probably made it simpler and faster to release the feature, it also had the side effect of tying SwiftUI implementation to a lot of legacy code. With iOS 16,Continue reading “UI Test Changes to SwiftUI List and Stepper in iOS 16”

Improving Your User Interface Tests in Xcode and iOS

Since writing about dealing with continuous integration and Apple Silicon as well as retrying failed tests, I’ve been thinking some more about iOS and Xcode test automation and would like to share some useful tips and thoughts on that front. Hopefully these pointers will help you out with something with which you might be dealingContinue reading “Improving Your User Interface Tests in Xcode and iOS”

Creating Custom Parseable Format Styles in iOS 15

Since way back in iOS 2.0, the venerable Formatter class and its derivations such as DateFormatter and NumberFormatter have been the go-to for converting values to and from strings. Over the years Apple has added other cool formatters such as the ByteCountFormatter, MeasurementFormatter, RelativeDateTimeFormatter, and ListFormatter. Now, as discussed in What’s New in Foundation atContinue reading “Creating Custom Parseable Format Styles in iOS 15”