Test Plans are now Default for New Projects with Xcode 14.3

Since Xcode 11, when Apple introduced Xcode Test Plans for simpler, more configurable test management and execution, both new and existing projects had to manually convert to using the new system or create new test plans from scratch. Test plans, if you are not familiar, allow one file to control one or more test configurationsContinue reading “Test Plans are now Default for New Projects with Xcode 14.3”

Improving Your User Interface Tests in Xcode and iOS

Since writing about dealing with continuous integration and Apple Silicon as well as retrying failed tests, I’ve been thinking some more about iOS and Xcode test automation and would like to share some useful tips and thoughts on that front. Hopefully these pointers will help you out with something with which you might be dealingContinue reading “Improving Your User Interface Tests in Xcode and iOS”

Retrying Failed Tests With Xcode 13 and Continuous Integration

As developers we never want our tests to fail, but there are often real world cases, especially with UI and integration tests against actual API (as opposed to a stable mock API or static data), where tests can and will occasionally fail. For example, API’s may go down, dependent data may change, or the XcodeContinue reading “Retrying Failed Tests With Xcode 13 and Continuous Integration”